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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalists Victor Miroshnichenko and Zaure Zhumalieva were acquitted by court

13 january 2010
Proper correspondent of the newspaper “Vremya” Victor Miroshnichenko and news reporter of the newspaper “Liter” Zaure Zhumalieva were acquitted by Petropavlovsk City Court on January 13, 2010.

Journalists were charged with libel. The charges stemmed from article “Swift hammer”, published in the newspaper Petropavlovsk KZ” in November 2008. V. Miroshnichenko was interviewed by Z. Zhumalieva. It was connected with institution of journalists to responsibility for professional activity. He gave an example, concerning appropriation of property. There was son and his father. The son tried to make conversion in possession. As a result of it son demanded to bring journalists to criminal responsibility for libel.

The charges of plaintiff have been groundless and justified journalists because of absence of corpus delicti.
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