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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Court has dismissed suit of Askar Aktleuov in reinstatement in his job in newspaper “Aykyn”

27 october 2009
There was final legal proceeding by suit of proper correspondent of the newspaper “Aykyn” of Aktobe region Askar Aktleuov to LLP “Gazeta Aykyn” and its Chief Editor Nurtore Zhusip in Almaly District Court № 2 of Almaty on October 27, 2009. Askar Aktleuov asked about reinstatement in his job, payment of salary for forced absence and recovery of moral damage.

Askar Aktleuov has worked as proper correspondent of the newspaper “Aykyn” during some years. There was a staff change in the newspaper “Aykyn”. As a result of it he was dismissed on negative grounds. He did not pass probation period. There were reports of deputy for chief editor. There were no any legal administrative measures and journalist did not know about it.

Public prosecutor A. Nartanova has agreed with suit, concerning reinstatement of the journalist in his job, payment of salary for forced absence and recovery of 50 000 tenge as moral damage (plaintiff asked 2 000 000 tenge). But, Judge N. Yeskindirova has made judgment about dismissal of suit of the journalist.

Askar Aktleuov makes a suit to appeal instance. International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil soz” provides legal assistance.
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