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Court has bound Alpamys Bekturganov to publish refutation He should not make an apology

9 october 2009
On October 08, 2009 Uralsk City Court №2 made judgment by suit about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of Akim (Governor) of West Kazakhstan Region Baktykozhi Izmukhambetov to his former Advisor Alpamys Bekturganov.  

The court has bound A. Bekturganov to refute untruth information in newspapers Respublika,Megapolis,Nadezhda,Vremya,Caravan and Uralskaya nedelya. He should not make an apology before plaintiff.

On July 15, 2009 Akim (Governor) Advisor Alpamys Bekturganov has carried out press conference, where spoke about his pretensions. There were pretensions, addressed to his chief. Bekturganov was unsatisfied by actions of his chief in struggle for corruption.    

Some days later Alpamys Bekturganov was dismissed for unsuitability for a profession and truancies after scandal press conference.


In August 2009 Akim (Governor) has brought a suit against Alpamys Bekturganov about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. He has demanded that Bekturganov would make an apology and admittance of untruth information in more ten different fragments in six newspapers, covered scandal press conference. Journalists of these editions were brought to trial as third persons of defendant.

Legal proceeding was stopped. There was legal proceeding on former advisor by charge with libel in connection with press conference (in July) at the same time. 

Court has found Bekturganov guilty in libel and convicted him for one year of imprisonment.
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