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Employees of newspaper “Respublika” are going to pay debt for “BTA-Bank”, using its securities

29 september 2009
Owner and Chief Editor of the newspaper Respublika- delovoye obozrenie Double 2” have taken decision on payment of twenty millions tenge for “BTA-Bank” as recovery of moral damage.

They are going to use euro bonds of BTA-Bank. Employees of editorial office propose to the bank make clearing: from one side they are as owners of international bonds, from other one BTA-Bank for them in accordance with judgment of Medeu District Court of Almaty, dated on September 09, 2009.

Securities have been proposed to BTA-Bank. It was necessary for making of clearing payments of counter debts, because bank made announcement about default of foreign liabilities and should return cost of securities of nominal for creditors (owners of euro bonds).

If,BTA-Bank will refuse to fulfil its obligations, owner and editor of the newspaper can complain its actions in court order both Kazakhstan’s courts and Great Britain’s ones with the recovery of material and moral damages.    

On September 09, 2009 Medeu District Court has passed judgment by suit of “BTA-Bank” about protection of business reputation and recovery of moral damage sixty millions tenge to founder of the newspaper “Respublika- delovoye obozrenie Duble 2”- LLP “DPA”, Chief Editor Guzayal Baydalinova and correspondent Irene Petrushova. Plaintiff has thought that two last points in the article “Between two evils ‘tis not worth choosing” of this publication had untruth information. As a result of it there was outflow of deposits on sum of 6 milliards and 770 million tenge.

On September 11, 2009 Judge Marat Maksudov has ruled about distress of banking accounts and attachment of property of owner and editor of the newspaper for making of judgment of Medeu District Court of Almaty. 

Edition of independent newspaper “Respublika- delovoye obozrenie Double 2” has been seized in printing house of Almaty and Caraganda in the evening on September 18, 2009. Printing houses have refused to print disgraced it from pressure of forced bodies and state officials. Printing House “Kometa S” – is an organization, who printed edition of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki”.

Financial Police has made two non-sanctioned searching in printing house “Kometa S” on September 21-23, 2009. Now, Tax inspection conducts complex control.
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