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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalist Sergey Duvanov was fined to fifteen monthly assessment indices for conduction of action of protest for protection of Eugene Zhovtis

29 september 2009
There was legal proceeding by case of the journalist Sergey Duvanov and editor of the newspaper “Zhas Alash” Ryspek Sarsenbayuly in Administrative Specialized Inter District Court on September 29, 2009.

The court has found guilty Sergey Duvanov under article 373 p.1 “Violation of legislation on order of organization and conduction of world meetings, pickets and demonstrations” of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was fined to fifteen monthly assessment indices (it means 19440 tenge).

There were no any documents of R. Sarsenbayuly in court. It was connected with inaccuracy in them.

On September 23, 2009 Ryspek Sarsenbayuly and Sergey Duvanov have come to fountain near trade house Zangarin the centre of Almaty. They held in their hands placards “Today is Zhovtis, tomorrow you will”. So, they have expressed their disagreement with sentence, passed to famous human rights activist. Representative Officer of General Prosecutor’s Office has made warning for participants of the action about illegal way of their actions. Protocols of violation were made by employees of Almaly District Department of Internal Affairs on September 28, 2009.         

The same action of protest was conducted by journalist Victor Kovtunovskiy, human rights activists Bareta Yergalieva and Tamara Savina on territory of Arbat in Almaty on September 09, 2009. As a result of it Victor Kovtunovskiy was fined to twenty five monthly assessment indices (it means 32400 tenge); journalist Andrey Sviridov has supported this action on September 16, 2009. He was fined to ten monthly assessment indices (it means 12730 tenge).
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