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Financial Police has made one more search in printing house “Kometa S”

23 september 2009
Employees of Department for Struggle of Economic and Corruption Crimes have come to Almaty Printing House “Kometa S” at 09.00 a.m. on September 22, 2009. They did not provide any search warrants, made search for taking of issues of the newspaper. Financial Police has sealed some offices of printing house.

It has made search in printing house “Kometa S” and take a computer with financial files. It had happened after seizure of the edition of newspaper “Respublika- delovoye obozrenie Duble 2” and issue of the newspaper “Moya Respublika- Facty, Sobytiya, Ludi” on September 18, 2009. The computer has not been returned yet. Representatives of Tax Inspection have come to printing house with complex control at about 19.00 p.m. on September 18, 2009.
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