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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Freedom of press in Kazakhstan takes 125th place of 173 ones

23 september 2009
Organization “Reporters Without Borders” has published rating of freedom of press in the world from September 2007 to September 2008.

Iceland, Norway and Luxemburg are in first three lines of rating; North Korea and Eritrea take two last ones.

Kazakhstan takes 125th place of 173 ones in this rating.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have the best position; Byelorussia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have worst position with the freedom of press from post-Soviet republics.

This rating is published from 2002. It is made on base of 50 criterions such as, violence, influenced on journalists (it means murder, kidnapping, threat, imprisonment and e.g.) and pressure upon mass media (censorship, confiscation of editions and e.g.).

15 public organizations, which specialized on monitoring of freedom of speech and about 150 journalists, have been as experts.

There is dynamism of Kazakhstan in this rating:

2002 – 116th place of 139 countries,

2003 – 138th place of 166 countries,

2004 – 131st place of 167 countries,

2005 – 119th place of 167 countries,

2006 – 128th place of 168 countries,

2007 – 125th place of 169 countries,

2008 – 125th place of 173 countries.
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