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Financial Police has made search in printing house “Kometa S”

21 september 2009
On September 18, 2009 Representative Officers of Financial Police and Deputy for Chief of Special Office of Almaty Department of Struggle for Economic and Corruption Crimes Margulan Sarbasov have made search in printing house “Kometa S”.

Director of Printing House Julia Kozlova and lawyer Sergey Utkin have said that employees of Almaty Department of Struggle for Economic and Corruption Crimes did not provide any search warrants for them. Representative Officers of Financial Police have taken servicemen of printing house for giving of necessary explanations.

Employees of printing house “Kometa S” think, that policemen have searched edition of the newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie”, which was printed by illegal way. They did not find copies of the newspaper and took computer with financial report.

Representative Officers of Tax Police have come to the printing house with complex control and without proper warning at about 19.00 p.m.

Then, employees of Almaty Department of Struggle for Economic and Corruption Crimes have sealed office of printing house.

Edition of independent newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” was seized in printing house “Vremya Print”. It was done by execution of judgment by suit of “BTA Bank” to the newspaper. There was full version of the newspaper such as, Moya Respublikafacty, sobytiya, ludi. New edition was registered to other owner. Editorial staff has said that they had not any relation to former newspaper Respublika.

Lawyer S. Utkin has noted that, if financial police does not provide any concrete reasons of their actions, but staff of printing house “Kometa S” will make an appeal in legal order.
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