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Representative of Anti-Monopoly Agency Azamat Kashimbayev has charged of correspondent of newspaper “Oko” Tatiana Tokar of slander

21 september 2009
Chief of Inter Regional Inspection of Agency for Protection of Competition (Anti-Monopoly Agency) of Aktobe and West Kazakhstan region Azamat Kashimbayev has addressed to court №2 of Aktobe with suit. He has charged of proper correspondent of the newspaper “Oko” Tatiana Tokar of slander.

The charges stemmed from article “Business against terrible fines” by T. Tokar, published in the newspaper “Oko” on July 24, 2009. There was information on two systems of supermarkets, central market, two milk companies and wholesale firms. They have been against anti – monopoly inspection, which made slow action of the development of small and medium business.

Kashimbayev has thought that there was information, which discredited his honor, dignity and business reputation.

The court has opened a criminal case under article 129 p.3 “Slander combined with an accusation of a person in the commission of a grave or an especially grave corruption crime” of Criminal Code of the Republic Kazakhstan. Tatiana Tokar, Talgat Khamitova, Askhat Kabiev and Talgat Kubashev (businessmen from Aktobe) were charged of slander.
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