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Edition of newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” was seized

18 september 2009
Edition of newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie Double 2” was seized in the printing house of Almaty and Caraganda. It had happened on September 18, 2009.

On September 11, 2009 Judge Marat Maksudov has ruled about distress of banking accounts and attachment of property of owner and editor of the newspaper for making of judgment of Medeu District Court of Almaty. Editorial staff and owner should pay 60 000 000 tenge for “BTA- Bank” in solidarity order in accordance with judgment. Court officers have said to Chief Editor Oksana Makushina during seizure of the edition.

Judgment did not come to law-enforcement. Expire date of appeal is on September 24, 2009.

The charges stemmed from article “Between two evils ‘tis not worth choosing” (on March 06, 2009). Plaintiff has thought that two last points of this publication had untruth information. As a result of it there was outflow of deposits on sum of 6 milliards and 770 million tenge.

The newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie Double 2” is disseminated by email in Internet.
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