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Journalist Andrei Sviridov was fined after organization of action in protection of Eugene Zhovtis

17 september 2009
Police detained journalist Andrei Sviridov on September 16, 2009. He has organized protest in support of human rights activist Eugene Zhovtis, convicted for four years of imprisonment and charged of violation of rules of the road and rules for using transport vehicles by persons operating them, which entailed by negligence human death.

Journalist was worn in T-shirt with title “Today is Zhovtis, tomorrow you are”. He has opened his placard with title “Fair Court for Eugene Zhovtis” near trade house “Zangar”.

Police officers have made protocol about administrative violation after completion of action, conducted during fifteen minutes. Andrei Sviridov was sent to District Department of Internal Affairs. He has been there during three hours and then sent to court.

There was administrative legal proceeding under article 373 p.1 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (it means violation of legislation on order of organization and conduction of world meetings, pickets and demonstrations).

Journalist Andrei Sviridov was fined for ten monthly assessment indices 12730 tenge (approximately $85)  for organization of action of protest in protection of Eugene Zhovtis by ruling of Almaty Administrative Specialized Inter District Court

Editor of human rights website Andrei Sviridov has sent a letter to Akimat (Administration) of Almaty on September 15, 2009. He has published it in the newspaper “Respublika”. Andrei Sviridov has warned Akimat, General Prosecutor’s Office and publicity about conduction of his personal protest.
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