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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Caraganda TV Company “ART” was fined by sixty monthly assessment indices for two SMS-messages on screen

8 june 2009
There was legal proceeding of Specialized Inter District Administrative Court of Caraganda by suit of Caraganda Regional Prosecutor’s Office to TV Company “ART” on June 04, 2009. Editorial staff of TV Company “ART” was charged of dissemination of materials and information, directed to incitement of national enmity.

As a result of it editorial staff of Caraganda TV Company “ART” was fined by sixty monthly assessment indices (it means 76380 tenge) with forfeiture of media output.

There was legal proceeding of Specialized Inter District Administrative Court of Caraganda by suit of Caraganda Regional Prosecutor’s Office to TV Company “ART” on June 05, 2009. It was connected with stoppage of media issue (“on-air”) and annulment of registration certificate.

In its suit General Prosecutor’s Office charges TV Channel of propaganda of forced changes of constitutional system, violation of republic integrity; breaking up the security of the state, war, social, national, tribal, racial, class, religious and tribal leadership, the cult of cruelty and violence and political extremism.


The charges stemmed from information “Kazakhs people, join to us and let’s we beat Russian people” in SMS-chat of TV Company “ART”. There was a reply “We are ready!” in fifteen minutes.

Experts have made a conclusion that this information had features of incitement of national enmity.
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