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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The businessman withdrew the lawsuit against "Vremya" reporter Zlata Udovichenko

12 july 2022

It took almost two months for the Court No. 2 of  Uralsk to consider a claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of the  IE (individual entrepreneur) “Tkalun Yu.V.” to  "Vremya"newspaper reporter Zlata Udovichenko. The amount of the claim was 1 million 300 thousand tenge.

The businessman considered that the information stated in the article by Zlata Udovichenko “Road, road, you mean so much” published on February 23, 2022 was untrue and discredited his honor, dignity, and business reputation. It is noteworthy that the businessman had no claims to the newspaper Vremya that published the article.

The defense presented in court irrefutable evidence, documents, including an independent opinion, testimonies of witnesses, including foreign ones, that the facts stated by Zlata Udovichenko in the article were absolutely true.

As a result, the businessman had to withdraw his claim, and the court No. 2 of Uralsk issued an appropriate ruling on July 11, 2022.

Z. Udovichenko was defended by Sergey Zlotnikov, lawyer of the Adil Soz Foundation.

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