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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

"Tobol-Info" News Agency Reporter Alexandra Sergazinova is charged with libel

13 july 2022

On July 12, 2022, court hearings started in the Specialized Court for Administrative Offenses of the city of Kostanay, on the case of   Tobol-Info news agency reporter Alexandra Sergazinova on charged under Art. article 73-3 of part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - libel.

The head of the department of justice of the Kostanay region Amir Umarov filed the complaint. The reason for that was the article called “Will the chairman of Kostanay region Bar Council and  Department of Justice official be put on trial?”, published on the website of  Tobol-Info  on June 7, 2022.

“The district police officer executed all documents with lightning speed on the evening of July 11, submitted them to the court the next day, and on the same day  they called me when I was on the road and the trial began. Therefore, I  had no time to get ready for that,” the journalist said.

On July 12, at the first court session, Alexandra Sergazinova asked for time to prepare for the trial. The court decided to reschedule the hearing for July 22.

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