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Secrecy of investigation is not for everyone? Who leaked the Abzhan case info?

14 july 2022

Everyone knows about such thing as secrecy of investigation. And lawyers know it by heart  (at least they should):

of Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, art. 201, paragraph 1: “The data of the pre-trial investigation cannot be disclosed. They may be made public only with the permission of the procurator in the extent to which it will be recognized that possible, if it is not contrary to the interests of the investigation and does not infringe the rights and legitimate interests of others".

Journalist Makhambet Abzhan was arrested on July 5 . And some media and publics immediately described  his alleged confession of guilt in details and pulled out all the stops to discredit him. The mass media/news company PRIME TIME kz, founded in February 2022 and Telegram channel  “Nursultan nightingale” were especially zealous.

We wonder what prosecutor gave permission to disclose the data of the preliminary investigation? Or maybe it is a dissimination of outright misinformation to harms the person under investigation? We wonder who and why is dissiminating it?

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