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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Abzhan pleads not guilty!

14 july 2022

Adil Soz contacted lawyer Tolegen Shaikov,  defender of Makhambet Abzhan, and asked him if  the information about  Makhambet's allegedly pleading guilty and and confessing posted by some soical media, was true.

Though the lawyer had to  observe the secrecy of the investigation, he answered unequivocally: “Abzhan pleads not guilty!”

Here it's worth reminding  the prosecutor's office about Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan  - "Dissemination of knowingly false information." It provides for serious liability if such actions "entailed infliction of heavy damage to the citizen." In our country this article is very popular  for restricting freedom of expression. Will it be used to protect the interests of the arrested journalist?

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