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Senate showed respect for journalists

19 april 2022

Last week, the press center of the Senat (upper chamber) of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan was moved to the basement, where there were lack of working space and no Internet. At the same time Mazhilis (lower chamber) introduced restrictions on making video in the meeting room. The journalists were indignant, Adil Soz and the Union of Journalists considered the news rules to be disrespectful to journalists and published an open letter to the speakers of the Parliament and the Minister of Information and Social Development.

On April 19, Senate spokesperson Daniyar Ramazanov shared the good news - the Senate press center was moved back to its original location.

“Since last week a new practice was introduced in the Senate - all ministers and deputies reporting at the session must participate in briefings. You must admit that asking questions and answering them in a calm atmosphere is more convenient for journalists, cameramen, and  speakers than doing it on the run, somewhere in an elevator, and the like. We estabished a new press center next to the briefing area, but the journalists considered that the former location of the press center was more convenient. Speaker of the Senate, Maulen Ashimbayev,  listened attentively to all the comments of journalists, promised to study the problem and instructed us to work on that issue. The speaker believes that   journalists should have an opportunity to work in place that is comfortable for them. So today's news is that the press center is being moved back to  its previous location,” Daniyar Ramazanov wrote on his Facebook page.

He assured that  briefings would be held in the hall near the meeting room, and the technical service is already setting the  equipment on the site.

We are waiting for a response from the press service of the Mazhilis.

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