Freedom of expression rules out hate speech
of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and
the International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz"
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is now being discussed all over the world. It caused extreme activity in Kazakhstani social networks. Citizens, primarily journalists, make full use of the freedom of expression guaranteed by our Constitution. However, many of them cross the line and fall into hate speech while standing up for their beliefs.
We remind that international standards, in particular the Rabat Plan of Action for the Prohibition of Propaganda of National, Racial or Religious Hatred, define the terms „hatred‟ and „hostility‟ as intense and irrational
emotions of opprobrium, enmity and detestation towards the target group. That means that one can hate some action or inaction, but cannot hate people, a nation, religious or other group on the basis of citizenship, nationality, religion.
Publicly expressed hatred to someone, especially in the media and social networks is a propaganda, albeit indirect, an appeal, albeit insignificant. What for? What it may lead to? First of all one should answer these questions while expressing his/her opinion.
We are for open discussion of any acute issues, for polemics and discussions. We are for well-grounded disputes, without insults and humiliation of opponents, without threats and aggression. No one needs such chain: Chaos in the minds - chaos in words - chaos in society.
We believe that now it is more important than ever that journalists and bloggers should express their views observing the culture of controversy, respecting for the opponent and observing their responsibility to society.