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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Human Rights Alliance for Fundamental Rights established

14 january 2022

The members of the alliance made their first statement:


The undersigned coalitions and human rights organizations express sincere condolences to the families of the victims, and announce the establishing of  the Human Rights Alliance for Fundamental Rights due to the tragic events in our country in the first days of 2022. Those events began with peaceful protests with socio-economic and political demands in different regions and ended in violence, attacks, seizure and arson of government buildings, including police departments, strategic facilities, including the Almaty airport, media offices, looting of shops and other businesses,


The main goal of the Human Rights Alliance is to promote an objective and impartial chronology of the protests, to analyze  the actions of law enforcement agencies and various groups of demonstrators and the reasons for the turning of peaceful  protests into violence, to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of citizens during the investigation, so that the standards of a fair trial are strictly observed, to deter torture and ill-treatment, to ensure that everyone is made responsible just for what he or she did, to ensure fair punishment of the guilty ones and to deter prosecution of the innocent, to ensure a clear distinguish of peaceful protesters, including representatives of the political opposition and civilian activists from those  who carried out violent actions.


In order to achieve its goals the Human Rights Alliance plans to coordinate the activities of its coalitions and organizations by such means as creation of joint information resources, to designate individuals responsible for various issues, to launch hotlines for citizens on various human rights issues, in particular for legal assistance and advice on

- recording, collection and processing of information (video and audio, testimonies of monitors, journalists and eyewitnesses);

- ensuring the right to life;

- ensuring the right to freedom from torture and ill-treatment;

- ensuring the right to qualified legal assistance, choice of a lawyer, and a confidential meeting with a lawyer prior to the first interrogation;

- ensuring the right to call (informing relatives about the whereabouts of the detainee);

- ensuring the right of access to information and the rights of journalists,

- as well as ensuring other fundamental rights in connection with these tragic events.


We believe that an objective and impartial clarification of the causes of the events, the establishment of all the circumstances, the analysis of the actions of authorities, law enforcement agencies, protesters, respect for fundamental rights during the investigation and trials can ensure the prevention of such tragedies in the future.


Kazakhstan NGO Coalition Against Torture

Coalition of a new generation of human rights defenders

Coalition for the Security and Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law

International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz"

Public association "Kadir-kasiyet"

Public Fund "Ar.Rukh.Khak"

Public Fund "Liberty"

Public Fund "International Legal Initiative"

Public Fund "Fund for the Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan"

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