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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Daryn Nursapar, editor of altaynews.kz arrested

11 january 2022

Heads of "ShygysAkparat" media holding in Eastern Kazakhstan forbade their journalists to cover rallies. Nevertheless, Daryn Nursapar, the editor of the  "Altai News"website, considered it his professional duty to cover the extraordinary events in the city. On January 5, he made a video of a rally in Ust-Kamenogorsk and posted the video on his Facebook page.

According to his colleagues, on January 7 law enforcement officers came to his house and “took him away”. On January 9, the court ruling was issued.

Daryn was held liable under Article 488 part 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Breach of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the procedure for organizing and holding peaceful meeting, rally, march, pickets and demonstration or another public event or obstruction of their organizing or holding, and equally participation in illegal meetings, rallies, marches, demonstrations, if these actions do not have the signs of a criminally punishable act). The journalist was arrested for 15 days.

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