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Aktobe journalists are summoned for interrogation one by one

12 january 2022

 "Adil soz" reporter for  Aktobe region informs: Zhanalyk Akhash, KTK TV reporter for Aktobe, was summoned for questioning by phone and has already visited the regional police department. After that  journalists of Radio "Azattyk" and  Channel 31 were also summoned.

“I was interrogated for about an hour. They wanted to know about the purpose I visited the rally, and  if I am a member of various organizations,” Zhanalyk Akhash wrote in Instagram stories.

It should be noted that on the night into January 10, the police searched the apartment of Ardak Yerubayeva, reporter of Orda.kz and Nur.kz for Aktobe, and took her to the police department for interrogation at midnight.

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