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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

No to blockings and detentions

13 january 2022

The KazTAG international news agency has appealed to the government about the ongoing blocking of the Orda.kz website and the persecution of journalists.

“We believe that the blocking of the media and the persecution of journalists will lead to new conflicts and injustice, since media is  the only bridge between society and government.

The media is the only way for citizens to tell the government information about their problems and concerns. In the absence of normal elected bodies, media becomes a  platform for expressing public thoughts and proposals.

Please note and remember that the media are your friends, not enemies. The Kazakhs have a wise saying: “Dos zhylatyp, zhau kuldirip aitady” (a friend in need is a friend indeed). Media workers are patriots caring about their country ,” the appeal says.

KazTAG invites other media to support the Appeal. The Adil Soz Foundation joins it.

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