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Blocking as a means against protests

4 january 2022

The Orda.kz website is blocked on the territory of Kazakhstan. This assumption was made by the editors, based on the fact that the site is avaiable in other countries, as well as through a VPN. With a high degree of probability, we can say that the reason for the blocking was the actual information provided by  Orda from the protest regions of the west of Kazakhstan.

In a message distributed on behalf of the editorial board, it is noted that the "official" reason for the blocking is not known to them. The editor-in-chief of Orda.kz Gulnar Bazhkenova posted her suggestion on her Telegram channel. “They blocked it after we wrote that the protesters have radicalized their slogans. Now they are demanding not only to set the price for gas at 50 tenge, they demand resignation of akim (mayo), government, Tokayev, Nazarbayev. But this is what people are chanting in the square! These are their words not ours. There is no sense in it , it is like killing meteorologists if you don’t like the weather forecast, ” Bazhkenova wrote. Besides she explained that the problems with the website began two hours ago and gradually the it became unaccesible.

Bazhkenova emphasizes that the information on the website was presented “strictly within the framework of professional journalism, with no activism and appeals”.  “What was the reason for doing that?! To radicalize us ?! Or do you think that  this way you will cope with the protests ?! " she asked.

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