Dastarhan for journalists - a treat or a bribery?
Recently, the Central Communications Service hosted a press conference of the akim (mayor) of the Atyrau region Makhambet Dosmukhambetov. Before it began, the speaker laid the dastarhan (laid a table) for the madia. Usually journalists are offered such "dishes" as tall tales and cock-and-bull stories, but this time the journalists were cramed up in the truest sense of the word. Sandwiches and cakes of various kinds, tea and even ... expensive goat's milk.
“Will the sharp questions turn into dull ones after such a treat? And who will pay for the banquet? " - the Ulysmedia.kz wondered. (https://ulysmedia.kz/dengi/2514-vse-oplacheno-kak-akim-atyrauskoi-oblasti-zhurnalistov-ugoshchaet/). In response it received a bunch of angry and outright offensive commnets from officials and colleagues.
"Adil Soz" comments:
Maybe the journalists were given goat's milk as a hazard pay, but it still contradicts the ethical standards of journalism adopted in almost all countries of the world.
The says that gifts, transportation fees, special benefits and privileges can compromise and cast discredit on the independence of the journalist and publication. The journalist should not accept any form of offering. "
The Austrian Journalist's Code of Ethics states that “anyone who accepts gifts in the context of his journalistic activities or receives any other personal benefit that can be used to influence the presentation of facts and events by a journalist violates this Code of Ethics”.
"It is unethical to accept gifts and offerings" - written in the codes of professional ethics of Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan and many other countries. Alas, Kazakhstan is not among them ...
Besides the akimat (mayor's office) is a state body that exists on budgetary funds, and therefore it is important who paid for the buffet - the akim personally or taxpayers.