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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Danial Akhmetov threatens Exclusive.kz with legal prosecution

24 june 2021

 The Ar-Bedel public foundation, acting on the basis of a power of attorney from the akim's (mayor's) office of the East Kazakhstan region, demands that the Exclusive.kz   refute the article “The national bourgeoisie has declared war on the agashkas (powerful men using their authority to promote their relatives)?" (https://www.exclusive.kz/expertiza/politika/124959/) and video “Why Elbasy didn't quarrel with Abai” and delete them from the media outlet internet resources. Those articles present the results of a journalistic investigation of the construction of the largest cultural and sports complex Abai Arena in East Kazakhstan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk8a1jnvUjE&t=665s).

The claimant believes that the published items contain negative information that does not correspond to reality and undermines the business reputation of the Akimat (mayor's office) and Akim of East Kazakhstan region. Ar-Bedel provides a long list of documents to prove its words, but does not provide the documents.

The defenders of Danial Akhmetov's reputation say that in case their demands are not satisfied  they will have to "apply to law enforcement agencies."

The International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech  "Adil Soz" has included this fact in its monitoring of violations of freedom of speech and intends to pay close attention to the situation and to provide legal assistance to  Exclusive.kz.

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