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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Court in Kyzylorda acquitted journalist on charges of insult

19 april 2021

B. Zhanabayev, judge of the Kyzylorda city Court No. 2 acquitted website "HALYQLINE.KZ" reporter Zibash Abdiyeva charged with insult. The lawsuit was filed by K. Iryukov, the acting head of the Infracos institution.

K. Iryukov considered that the journalist insulted him in an indecent form using the media and damaged  his honor and dignity. He demanded to institute criminal proceedings against


The grounds for the lawsuit was a satirical article by Z.Abdiyeva "Balekor bastyk-uzhymnyn sory" ("Scandalous boss — trouble for the team"), published on HALYQLINE.KZ on November 20, 2020.

Having studied all the circumstances of the case, the judge concluded that there were no insults in the article, and a guilty verdict could not be made on the basis of the plaintiff's assumptions. Moreover, the judge noted that Z.Abdiyeva may apply for reparation of damage due to illegal prosecution.

The Public Center for Expertise of the Adil Soz Foundation presented expert opinion on the controversial phrases contained in the article "Scandalous boss — trouble for the team ".

The Appeal hearings on  K.Iryukov’s claim will be held on April 20, 2021 in the Kyzylorda Regional Court.

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