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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

STATEMENT of the International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" On the inadmissibility of attacks on journalists

5 april 2021

Attacks on journalists have become more frequent in the Turkestan region recently. Especially alarming is the fact that those attacks are carried out by police officers. At the same time, investigations of such cases are red-taped.

On April 3, the police forbade Bek Abiyev, CPC TV reporter to make a video of a protest of residents of Altyntobe village. Police officers broke the umbrella that Bahrom Abdullayev was holding over the camera while making a video. The  injured his arm and threatened to kill him. Policemen also tried to snatch a cell phone from Dilyara Isa, Radio Azattyk reporter.

Earlier, on March 2 in Shymkent, police officers beat Bakhrambek Talibzhanov "Astana" TV reporter and used force on Bakhrom Abdullayev, "Channel 31" reporter, when the journalists were performing their professional duties. The reporters were covering a fire in the market.

Journalists who have reported the attacks to the police are not informed about the progress of the investigation. It is not even known whether there is a suspect in the case of the March 2 attack. There is a real danger that the attackers will avoid punishment.

We believe that this case shows a dangerous trend that threatens freedom of speech in general and the safety of journalists in particular. There are facts of violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Interfering with legal professional activity of journalist", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mass Media" and international treaties ratified by Kazakhstan. This is absolutely unacceptable in a state that positions itself as a democratic one.

We call on the  Minister of Internal Affairs Erlan Turgumbayev to take cases of police officers attacking journalists under his personal control and bring the attackers to responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We call on the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gizat Nurdauletov, to personally monitor compliance with the law in this case.

Adil Soz will monitor the development of the situations and provide all possible assistance to ensure that the cases of the attack on journalists are brought to court.

We and Galymzhan Yelshibai, the chairman of the branch of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan in the Turkestan region,  offer our colleagues and compatriots to support the affected journalists. Thus we will be able to protect others from such incidents.

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