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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Сourt took the journalist's side in labor dispute with the editor

11 march 2021

Gulbahor Tagaeva, a well-known journalist of the Saryagash newspaper, was twice fired by the editor-in-chief M. Bekeyev.

The first time the journalist was fired in June 2020. As the journalist believes, she was fired because of her remark about grammatical, stylistic, terminological and ideological errors in published articles and her words that the new editor should pay attention to the absence of critical articles.

In September 2020, the Saryagash District Court reinstated the journalist in her previous position and ordered to pay for the forced absenteeism. The editor applead the decision to the  Turkestan Regional Court, but the latter upheld the decision of the District court.

On January 5, 2021, M. Bekeyev called Gulbahor Tagaeva to a meeting and said that “both courts were on her side, but did not assess a personality and civic position". He demanded that Gulbahor apologized to the accountant, one of the reporters and several other unfamiliar people from Facebook social network. The journalist flatly refused and M. Bekeyev said that he would not let her work for the newspaper. On January 8 he fired  G. Tagaeva again. Gulbahor applied to court again.

On March 9 Saryagash District Court chaired by Judge Kh.Kembaeva reinstated G. Tagaeva in position, she will be paid compensation for forced absenteeism for two months.

"Adil Soz" will follow the further professional fate of the journalist.

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