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Journalist of "Astana" TV channel was beaten in Shymkent

2 march 2021

On March 2, police beated  Bahrambek Talibzhanov, Astana TV reporter for  Shymkent. A huge  fire broke out at the auto parts warehouse located at the Tamerlanovskoye Highway. The journalist came there to cover the event. Law enforcement officers banned video recording.

Three police officers rounded up Bahrambek Talibzhanov, and another one hit the reporter in the face and then in the kidneys. At that moment, Bahrambek's colleague, the correspondent of Channel 31, Bahrom Abdullaev, ran up to them and began making video recordingof what was happening on his phone. The journalists  were taken to the Abay police station. Astana TV reporter filed a claim concerning the attack.

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