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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Who beated Bakhrambek Talibzhanov?

3 march 2021

On the evening of March 2, the Adil Soz Foundation reported that police beated Bakhrambek Talibzhanov  Astana TV reporter in Shymkent while he was covering an emergency situation. Bakhrom Abdullayev, Channel 31 reporter, recorded the incident on his mobile phone.

A few hours later at 1.30 AM on March 3, Adil soz foundation received a message entitled “Preliminary response to your article: "Journalist of "Astana" TV channel was beaten in Shymkent". Since the sender's address is somewhat strange for the Kazakh police  - dvdg.shymkent@mail.ru - and there is not a single surname in the message, we quote it verbatim:

“Police Department started regulatory inspection оn this fact. The results  will follow at a later date.

We also inform you that on March 2, 2021, the head of the Police Department of the city of Shymkent, Major General of Police, personally met with the reporters of the national channels and discussed the situation with them.

Best regards,

Shymkent Police Department "

We hope that this is not a fake, and we will find out the names of the police officers who committed assault, as well as who exactly punished them and what was the punishment.

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