Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

A rally is no place for the media?

1 march 2021

On February 28, 2021 there was a rally in front of the Sports Palace. Many reporters  attempted to cover the event but faced counterstanding by Special Rapid Deployment Force (SOBR). The Internet was blocked in the area, so news agencies and news websites were not able to broadcast live.

Madina Alimkhanova, a journalist of the KazTAG news agency, together with her colleagues from other media, climbed the dais in front of the Sports Palace. It was the best viewpoint to record the events taking place. However, the police and the "people in civilian clothes" politely, but persistently pushed them away, asking everyone to come downstairs. Only one cameraman in a yellow vest with  inscription “MEDIA” instead of usual “PRESS”, was allowed to return to the dais. There he recorded the events and participants until the end of the main part of the rally.

Let us remind that the law stipulates that «  A journalist shall have the right to attend in disaster area, in rallies and demonstrations, as well as upon other forms of expression of public, group and personal interests and protest upon presentation of journalist certificate».


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