Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

To anyone but you

27 november 2020

Diana Saparkyzy, the reporter of the International News Agency  "KazTAG" and "Channel 31" for Karaganda applied to Asel Sadvakasova, the spokesperson of Karaganda city akimat (Mayor's office) via WhatsApp asking to provide information on budget expenditures for Independence Day and the New Year.


Diana Saparkyzy, the reporter of the International News Agency  "KazTAG" and "Channel 31" for Karaganda applied to Asel Sadvakasova, the spokesperson of Karaganda city akimat (Mayor's office) via WhatsApp asking to provide information on budget expenditures for Independence Day and the New Year.

First of all Asel Sadvakasova asked which media the article was planned for, and then said: "You will write a malign article again. Not unbiased article, but a malign one. You will cut out the main commentaries and give only those that were torn out of the context. "

And she told the decision: “We will provide the information, but not to you. We will give it to some other reporter of your media outlet, to the one that will give two-sided unbiased information. "

After the editors of the news agency pointed out to the illegal character  of the spokesperson's actions, she promised to provide the requested information. However, by the time this article is published  (November 26), no information was provided.

KazTAG told this story in its article  "In the midst of the pandemic the akimat of Karaganda ordered holiday services for 193.5 million tenge ". KazTAG asks to consider that article to be an official media request to provide information on the amount the akimat of Karaganda   plans to spend on festive decoration.

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