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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The trial of Ermurat Bapi did not take place

16 november 2020

As we have  reported referring to KazTAG,  on the eve of the officially permitted rally on November 14 journalist Ermurat Bapi, the publisher of the oldest opposition newspaper DAT, was detained in Almaty. He was charged with participating in an unsanctioned rally. The police officers  drew up the protocol, handed the summons and said that the court hearings would take place on November 16 at 10 am.

As Bapi told his colleagues from KazTAG news agency, the day before he had taken part in a memorial service for the murdered son of activist Dulat Agadil.That was not a rally, but a memorial service  held online.

When the journalist arrived at the administrative court  in due time, he was offered to review the investigation file. However, five minutes later a district police inspector of the Police Department of Medeu District of Almaty Darkhan Akmoldanov came to Bapi and said: “Agay (uncle), go home. We will not sue you. The case was closed. " He did not tell the reason. According to the police officer he was ordered to escort the journalist to the exit, but not to tell the details of the decision.

"They definetely received a superior order, so they decided to cancel the trial."

The police officer promised that  Bapi would receive the text of the decision later.

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