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One more journalist of the newspaper Uralskaya Nedelya detained in Uralsk

22 february 2020

Alexei Vorobyov was detained near the City Center mall. In previous days  information was disiminated in social media that supporters of the Democrati Choice o Kazakhstan party that is banned in the Republic of Kazakhstan intended to hold an unauthorized rally there. Two days before the proposed rally, the administration of the shopping center announced that the mall would be closed on Saturday, February 22 because of the proposed rally.

Alexey Vorobyev went there to perform the task of the editorial office and to cover the situation. When the deputy editor of Ural Week, Raul Uporov called him, the only phrase he heard was: “Why, by what right do you take my cell phone from me?” Since that Alexey Vorobyov’s mobile phone has been off. Later it became known that he was taken to the Abay police department. Now he is there with Akmaral Fedorova, who is being interrogated in some criminal case related to the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan party.
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