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Police department is suing a blogger in Uralsk

6 february 2020

Hearings of civil lawsuit of the Western Kazakhstan Region Police Department against local blogger Aibolat Bukenov. The police department insists on refuting the facts published by Bukenov.


That entails the information that Aibolat Bukenov voiced in the news story on one of the local television channels. The blogger said that he revealed 92 facts of disorderly behaviour by police officers, that he timely reported to the police department. Representatives of the Department insisted that the blogger reported only 5  times for the past two years. Thus, the quiestion is  five cases only.


Western Kazakhstan Region Police Department asked the court to declare the information disseminated by the blogger as contradicting reality  and to oblige him to “officially refute the untrue information in media”.


Aibolat Bukenov disputed the claim. He asked the court to give him time to get ready for the trial, in particular, he intends to draw up his statement of defense.The next court hearing is scheduled for  February 12.

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