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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The court has protected the blogger

2 october 2019

On October 2, Nazim Alpieva, judge of the Bostandyk District Court of Almaty, announced the decision on the lawsuit for protecting business reputation against blogger Nursultan Sagyndyk. The plaintiffs' claim was dismissed in full.

The essence of the conflict:

Nursultan Sagyndyk makes  informational videos on how the training in China is organized and posts those videos on the channel “NOT OXFORD” on YouTube. In one of the videos the blogger mentioned two Kazakhstani companies  organizing studies abroad - YourChina LLP and ChinaStudy LLP. The heads of both companies decided that the controversial video contained “information of a defamatory nature” and applied to court. They demanded to  publish a refutation, to delete the controversial video from the Internet, to enforce 100,000 tenge from N. Sagyndyk as the expenses for the payment for psychological and philological expert review. During the trial, the plaintiffs did not provide the court with evidence of any damage to their business reputation, and could not even determine which phrases were of “defamatory nature”.

The head of the legal service of the Adil Soz Foundation T.Simakhina appeared for  the blogger in court.

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