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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Prosecutor's Office modernizes slander and insult again

5 september 2019

Colleagues, who read the draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code? We are offered a lot of interesting things: not to be imprisoned for simple slander (the media, journalists and bloggers have nothing to do with it, they still may get up to 2-3 years in prison), to expel foreigners from the country for insult (and not only insult), etc.


Project developer i.e. the Prosecutor General's Office in an open way offers to comment on its proposals on the page dedicated to this bill: http://prokuror.gov.kz/rus/obshchestvennoe-obsuzhdenie-proektov-npa/proekt-zakona-respubliki-kazahstan-o-vnesenii-izmeneniy-i .


For two  weeks we have been trying to squeeze our suggestions into the “comment” box, but it seems that, despite all our requests and requirements, but our proposals did not go out to the addressee.

We sent our proposals by courier service, maybe they will reach the bill developers.

You can get acquainted with our proposals here (in Russian) http://www.adilsoz.kz/politcor/show/id/265/parent/2


Anyway read the  bill, otherwisw it will be too late to complain

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