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RATEL.kz will rise again!

28 august 2019

The online media RATEL.kz can be published from October 23, and Marat Asipov will be able to continue to lead it.


Such a decision was made on August 28 by the judge of the Medeu District Court of Almaty, Yerzhan Chingisov, by order of the appeals board of the city court.


On August 13, 2019, the Appeals Board on Civil Cases of the Almaty City Court reverse the  decision judge of the Medeu District Court of Almaty, Gulmira Beisenova, dated June 10, made at the lawsuit of Marat Asipov, the former editor-in-chief of online media Ratel.kz. The  matter was remitted for a fresh trial.


As it was reported  the online media was banned by the ruling of the same judge on May 28, 2018. The ruling says: “to ban the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz and to prohibit the use of the domain name Ratel.kz in Kazakhstan’s segment of the Internet media for one year". Besides, according to the decision, it is prohibited for the editor-in-chief Marat Asipov and other employees of the media outlet to publish the news items of their internet portal in other media, including social networks, using the name of RATEL kz in the media, Internet resources and on the domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and other domain names.


”A year later, Marat Asipov asked the district court to clarify when the website will be unblocked, when the certificate of registration of this media outlet will be restored, and whether it is possible for him to distribute information materials on behalf of Ratel.kz in the media as the editor-in-chief.


On June 10, judge of the Medeu District Court of Almaty Gulmira Beisenova dismissed the claim of the editor-in-chief. Right after the court hearings Gulmira Beisenova  clarified: the registration certificate was withdrawn from Ratel.kz, it is forbidden to write anything on behalf of it and the on behalf of media outlets rlated to it, the media outlet does not exist any longer. Asipov, if he wants, can register a new media outlet and work in it.


"Adil Soz" congratulates Ratel.kz team on the victory!

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