Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Our holiday: bitter numbers of sweet minutes

28 june 2019

Some organizations are  handing out commendations and giving compliments to journalists on their professional holiday, but Adil Soz keeps telling the bitter truth. It says: for the first half of this year, 25 journalists were detained while performing their professional duties, 18 more were charged on crimes (mainly, slander), 35 “heroes” of published articles rushed to court to defend their honor, dignity, and business reputation. Besdies there were 11 administrative protocols.


In the immediate future, the regime for free speech is unlikely to soften, at least we don’t see any real prerequisites for that. But still: no newspaper or TV journalist was killed, imprisoned, or bankrupted, no media outlet was banned. Moreover, the journalistic community does not give up, but gets stronger and grows new young talents.


Happy holiday, friends!

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