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The judge explained: Ratel.kz buried forever

10 june 2019

On June 10, the judge of the Medeu district court of Almaty, Gulmira Beisenova, proclimed the decision on the lawsuit of Marat Asipov, the former editor-in-chief of the online media outlet “Ratel.kz” banned  a year ago by the ruling of the same judge.


As it was reported,  on May 28, 2018, judge of Medeu district court of Almaty Gulmira Beysenova proclaimed the decision on the lawsuit of Prosecutor of Medeu district of Almaty filed against online media outlet RATEL kz. The decision said "to ban the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz and to prohibit the use of the domain name Ratel.kz in Kazakhstan’s segment of the Internet media for one year".

Besides, editor-in-chief Marat Asipov is prohibited from distributing informational materials under the name of Ratel.kz in the media, Internet resources and domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and other domain names.


One year's term of the ban has passed  and Marat Asipov asked the court to clarify whether he can already use the domain name Ratel.kz with the same or duplicate name, and whether he can now   “distribut information materials under the name Ratel.kz in the media, the Internet resources and domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and other domain namesas the editor-in-chief.


At the court hearing on June 5, the prosecutor requested additional time to study the case file and her petition was satisfied. However, another prosecutor, Omasheva, participated in the court on June 10, and the essence of her position was to reject the lawsuit. The decision made by the judge echoed the prosecutor’s position.


Right after the court hearing Gulmira Beisenova answered the journlists's questions and explained that Ratel.kz's  registration certificate was recalled, this medi outlet no longer exists so it is forbidden to publish anything under its name. Nevertheless Asipov, can register a new media outlet and work in it if he wants to.

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