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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Defender of prisoners' rights Konstantin Gudauskas acquitted of libel

7 june 2019

On June 5, 2019, Aisara Zhilkibayeva, judge of the Turksib district court of Almaty, acquitted the chairman of the Republican Public Association (RPO) "Coalition for the Protection of Prisoners' Rights" on libel.

As it was reported, the private prosecutor - Director of the branch of the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use Enbek-Zhaugashty  Zh.Baimuratov  requested to bring the chairman of the RPO to criminal liability under Part 2 of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, claiming that Gudauskas deliberately disseminated  false information defaming honor and dignity using  media.The reason for the accusation was the interview of Gudauskas K., which was aired on December 10, 2018 in the evening news section on Channel One, Eurasia saying that the heating season was disrupted at the  prison colony  LA 155/18.

Z.A. Baimuratov  considered that Gudauskas  unreasonably accused him of grand embezzlement of state property. He asked the court to find Gudauskas guilty of defamation, impose a punishment on him and recover monetary compensation for moral damage in the amount of 10 million tenge.

The lawyer of the Adil Soz Foundation Tamara Simakhina represented K. Gudauskas before the court in civil litigation. 

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