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Outpatient hospital lawyer attacked "KTK" TV channel team

10 april 2019

The lawyer of Kokshetau the central outpatient hospital, Yerbolat Temerbekov, attacked the team of the KTK channel while they were recording an interview.

According to Aizat Turkynbekkyzy, KTK reporter for Aqmola region,  on April 9 they came to the central city outpatient hospital of Kokshetau  together with the mother of a little girl who died after receiving a preventive vaccination against measles. When the cameraman was making video of the medical examination report on the causes of the child’s death in the corridor of the state hospital, the  lawyer  of the organization snatched the microphone from the reporter and began to push her away with all his might. Then he attacked the cameraman and hit the video camera with the full swing of the microphone. As a result, the microphone was smashed, the video camera was damaged, and two fingernails were torn off the journalist's hand. All this happened in full view of a large number of people. The arrived policemen took E. Temerbekov to the city police department. Pre-trial investigation was initiated  on the fact of “Hooliganism”.

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