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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The trial of radio Azattyk journalist Sania Toyken continues in Aktau

2 april 2019

The consideration of the appeal of Sania Toyken, the journalist of Radio Azattyk,  began in Aktau on April 1. As it was reported, Sania Toyken was detained on the night of March 12, 2019 in a cafe in Zhanaozen during a dinner with her friends. According to the decision of the Specialized Interdistrict Court of Zhanaozen, Mangistau Oblast (judge S. Zhumabaev), she was found guilty under Article 667 of the Administrative Violations Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan  for disobeying a lawful order or  request of police officer and was fined for  20 Monthly Calculated Index (KZT 50,500)


On April 1, the prosecutor stated at the beginning of the court hearings that police officers should to be present at the trial. The remark of  Galym Nurpeisov,  S.Toyken's lawyer, that their presence did not matter, since they had already testified in the court of the first instance, as well as his attempt to make other motions, remained unanswered. The judge retired to the deliberation room in the mid-sentence. Galym Nurpeisov filed two petitions to the court office: about studying  the case materials and scheduling a court hearing on any of the working day from April 8 to April 12, 2019. According to the lawyer, he verbally, then and in writing informed the judge that he was departing to Almaty late in the evening of April 1 for the trial scheduled for April 2. However, the judge left the hearing without satisfying the petition and dragging her feet on the litigation.


Sania Toyken, in her turn,  applied for the disqualification of the entire court, including the chairman of the appellate board in the morning of April 2.  the court secretary presented S.Toyken the ruling of N.Primashev, the chairperson of the appeal board of the regional court, rejecting to satisfy the petition during the break between the hearings. At the evening session, judge Kazila Sagyndykova, tried to continue the process in the absence of a defender of the journalist and the prosecutor Edyge Duysenbaev  supported the judge's intention. However, S. Toiken considered that her right to a defense in court was violated,  informed the presiding judge of that and decided to leave the hearing.

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