Aktobe journalists called on colleagues to boycott Khabar 24 TV channel
Aktobe journalists called on colleagues to boycott Khabar 24 TV channel. The reason was the firing of the TV channel correspondent for the Aktobe region Leyla Auesova. The reason was the complaint of the Aktobe branch driver to the Astana head office, the driver accused the journalists of Aktobe branch treated him disrespectfully. According to him, he had to leave because of such attitude when he had just two years to retire. There comlaintdoes not contain and accusations of Leyla Auesov. Representatives of the Khabar head office came to the regional branch with an inspection. According to Auyesova, as the result she was offered to quit her job within 3 minutes. “I was told that I was unable write texts and looked ugly,” said Aujesova, though the management of the channel had been satisfied with the appearance of the reporter and the quality of her texts for six years. As the result of pressure and emotional stress, the journalist had to submit a resignation notice. On March 16, Aktobe journalists gathered in front of the office of the Aktobe region akim (mayor) and signed an appeal to the management of the Khabar TV channel and the akim of Aktobe region Ondasin Orazalin.
“We urge all journalists of the Aktobe region, especially local journalists, to support Leila, so that no one dares to take the vacancy. Thus, we declare a boycott of the Khabar TV channel, so that it understands that journalists have power. If one TV channel has the right to be throw away a journalist that it does not need any more, then any other media owner can get rid of any of us, ” local journalists wrote in their message. The head of the internal policy department Bulbul Eleusizova met with the journalists. She listened to outraged media representatives and promised her help in resolving the situation.The head of the legal department of the Adil Soz Foundation believes that Leila Auyesova’s situation not hopeless, she adviced the journalist to fight for her rights.