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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Did the police use dirty language or was he slandered by the journalist?

7 march 2019

Head of the linear police department of Kostanay airport police captain Almat Agadilov appealed to court number 2 of Kostanay accusing the correspondent of the news agency "TobolInfo" Alina Sushko in slander. The reason was the article "The head of the airport linear police department, who verbally attacked his subordinate, was promoted," published on the website of the news agency on August 7, 2018.


The police captain claims that all the information in the article is libelous, and defaming the honor and dignity of his entire family.


Speaking in court on 6 March, Agadilov said


- For three generations in a row, our family has been working at the Police on transport and its linear units. My grandfather is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, he reached Berlin. My father is a retired police colonel. Everyone knows our surname. However, an internal investigation was conducted after the first article by Alina Sushko, "The police captain got a severe reprimand for using dirty language" and negative comments to it on social networks, and I got a severe reprimand. My father was immediately called by his friends from Russia. This publication was discussed for a long time. After it, I was immediately expelled from the employee pool. The journalist did not stop there. In August 2018, she published her second article. I started experiencing problems at work. I was told to prove my innocence by apllying to court.


Judge Samat Sutmagambetov reminded that the policeman would have to prove that Sushko had intentionally slander him. And he noted that the journalist in the article refers  to the words of the former deputy head of the police department at Kostanay station Erlan Suleimenov, who appealed to Alina Sushko.


By the way, in February this year the court passed an acquittal verdict against Erlan Suleimenov, whom Almat Agadilov also tried to bring to criminal responsibility for libel.


Erlan Suleimenov will be invited to the next hearing.



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