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Radio Azattyk correspondent Sania Toyken and cameraman Sanat Nurbekov detained in Zhanaozen

27 february 2019

On February 26, the journalists were assigned to cover the situation in Zhanaozen where they went from Aktau.Toiken and Nurbek were detained on the town square of Zhanaozen, where local residents have been demanding to provide jobs for them  for the second week already.The journalists were detained and taken back to Aktau, to the Department of Internal Affairs. As they were told, someone applied to police and they had to react. Sania Toyken reported that she is in the office of the investigator Nazarbay Zhanbaev now. The operator Sanat Nurbek is at another investigator's room. A Zhanaozen resident reported to the editorial office about the detention of journalists. According to her a curfew was imposed in the city some days ago and dozens of local residents were detained.The police department of the Mangystau region did not comment on the detention of journalists.

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