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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Who will be responsible for blocking NG website?

4 december 2018

On November 16, Adil Soz sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's office, the national security Committee and the Ministry of information and communications of Kazakhstan regarding the illegal blocking of the website of  «Nasha Gazeta» (“Our Newspaper”) www.ng.kz


The Prosecutor General's office was the first to respond.  In the letter received on December 4, the senior Prosecutor of the Department of appeals and record keeping G. Zhorakyzy reported that our appeal was forwarded to the Ministry of information and communications and we should expect their answer.  We naively believed that the violation of the constitutional right to receive and disseminate information is subject to a prosecutor's investigation, and thus we asked to inform us of the  results of such investigation.


We are likely to receive a similar response from the National Security Committee. All that remains for us is to hope for the Ministry of Information and Communications. But ... the ministry has already reported to all interested parties that it is not involved in blocking the website. We wonder if anyone has ever heard that the state body that manages  information and the media (the Ministry of Information and Communications) has ever done anything to protect media? 

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