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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

The case of Ratel.kz ban is suspended

10 september 2018

The case of  Ratel.kz ban is suspended


On September 10, the appeal board of the Almaty City Court upheld the request of lawyer Larisa Dostavalova to suspend Ratel.kz ban hearings until an appeal against the decision of the Auezov court is considered.


As it was reported the Auezov district court considered the lawsuit of Gennady Benditsky's children who asked to deem illegal the decision of the ministry of information and communication to ban Ratel.kz. The district court dismissed the suit of the heirs of the deceased journalist, and they appealed the case. At the same time the owners of the online edition of Ratel.kz lodged  a similar appeal on the desicion of Medeu District Court.


As Dostavalova stated, "this is the only right decision for since the legal proceedings began in February 2018, because the Medeu and Auezov cases are interrelated.


The next hearing will take place after the Appeal Board makes ruling on the complaint against the decision of the Auezov district court of Almaty.

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