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"The Uralsk Week" is checked for involvement in the organization of illegal rallies

19 june 2018

Tamara Yeslyamova is back to the editorial office after interrogation at the Western Kazkahtsan regional Department of Internal affairs. The police told her that the pre-trial investigation was initiated after an unidentified individual commented on YouTube video where he/she called to go to the rally. Since the YouTube video was a repost of video from the "Uralsk Week" website, the publisher of the newspaper Tamara Yeslyamova and the administrator of the newspaper website and its pages in social networks Raul Uporov were summoned for interrogation as witnesses.

According to the journalists, if it were not for the police and the unknown commenter, they would not even know that someone in Kazakhstan was planning to rally.

After being interrogated by an investigator T. Yeslyamova was invited to another room for a talk with a member of the prosecutor's office. He tried to give her a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the law "On the Order of Organization and Conducting Peace Meetings, Rallies, Processions, Pickets and Demonstrations in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Tamara Yeslyamova refused to sign anything.

Sanat Urnaliev, who was waiting near the Dapartment of Internal Affairs for Yeslyamova to come back from the interrogation, was also summoned for interrogation. A police officer served summons to him after the journalist recorded an interview with the publisher of the newspaper.

According to the Facebook post by the editor of the Uralsk Week Lukpan Akhmedyarov, he and correspondent Maria Melnikova has just been served summons fro interrogation. Summons has been served at the editorial office.

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