"Adil Soz" nominates Gennady Benditsky for the best anti-corruption articles
On June 8, Adil Soz sent a collection of articles by Gennady Benditsky called "Lawlessness. The real history of Kazakhstan in the early XXI century" to the anti-corruption publications contest.
The initiator of the competition is the Agency Of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service affairs and corruption control (http://kyzmet.gov.kz/ru/news/adgspk-obyavlyaet-konkurs-na-luchshuyu-publikaciyu-sredi-predstaviteley-smi-blogerov-po). The goal is " to form an anti-corruption culture, to preserve and strengthen the system of social values that reflects intolerance to corruption." We believe that Benditsky did it better than anyone else.
The collection of articles was published in 2018, and since there is no ban on re-publication in the terms of the contest, the book corresponds to its formal conditions.
Let's see what the competition committee will say (by the way, the Agency has not yet announced the names of the committee members).